While traveling in Guatemala, I met an Indigenous man, Fernando Pinzon, a polio (and civil war) survivor, in Panajachel on Lake Atitlan.
We became friends because of our mutual interest in social justice and our hopes for the future, despite evidence of continued greed and corruption.
EFT Tapping while drunk
Several years ago, I offered him some pro bono EFT tapping as he was having a particularly hard time.
I will confess that, (despite my hesitation), one time I worked with him when he was drunk. It turned out to be a turning point in his work with me.
Recently I reposted a meme on Facebook.

Under the post I wrote: “Most if not all who struggle with addictions are using them to mask the pain from previous traumas. If we provide them with compassion, basic necessities and trauma informed help, to help them heal from the origins of their pain that they are trying to mask with addictions, we can go a long way towards resolving this all too prevalent issue.”
Sober for 3 years
In response, Fernando posted that:
“I feel very blessed to be completely sober for over 3 years and I appreciate people like you to make it happen.”
Fernando has become a big proponent of EFT in Guatemala. Being differently abled in Guatemala is NOT easy without the government support available elsewhere. While life still presents him with problematic circumstances, he remains “calm and balanced”. I am proud of him for doing the work to release his traumas while managing to resist the urge to drink. Instead, he is choosing to find creative ways to support himself emotionally and financially.
Challenges can be overcome
No matter what our challenges, they can be met without fear or frustration. Strong feelings can be reduced, old stories can be reframed, and healthier choices can be made.
If you would like to experience some guided EFT Tapping to overcome any of your addictions, (or other less than healthy choices), I would be honoured to help you to the best of my ability.
Contact me at alice@tappingdetective.com whenever you feel ready.