Matrix Reimprinting, (MR), (an advanced EFT tapping technique), is a powerful and gentle modality that helps to reframe and release traumatic events and painful memories from the past.
EFT Tapping is highly effective at reducing the intensity of emotions that you are feeling right NOW. Those feelings can be about something that is current, or an event that happened long ago.
Most importantly, after using EFT Tapping to reduce the intensity of your shame, guilt, grief, anger, anxiety…, Matrix Reimprinting helps find and replace those previously persistent, disempowering beliefs that have been holding you back. These limiting beliefs were learned during difficult events, or from abusive, controlling people. We do this by going back in time to give much needed support to your younger self.
Did your parents model how to have dysfunctional, toxic relationships, (with yourself, your spouse, co-workers and others), during your formative years?
- Are you ready to learn highly effective tools, tips and techniques to support you in transforming those difficult relationships?
- EFT and MR can help you gain more peace, happiness and confidence.
- If you are, I would be honoured to support and guide you while you create happier healthier bonds, (and boundaries).
- Finally become the person YOU want to be instead of the person you learned to be.
Do any of the following feel familiar?
- I’m not good enough. Nothing I do will ever be good enough.
- I am not safe. Everyone is out to get me.
- I have to be perfect. There is something wrong with me.
- I am unlovable. No one is there for me.
The science of Quantum Physics has established that we all generate energy fields. Our difficult memories, tend to get trapped in our energy fields, as well as in our minds, emotions and bodies.
Matrix Reimprinting transforms the memories of distressful or traumatic events, or people, from our past.
When we experience a present day situation that consciously, or subconsciously, reminds us of those previous times, it can trigger the old memories. Our consequent feelings about these memories bring the thoughts, emotions and beliefs of the original incident flooding back. As a result we often feel present day stress that frequently leads to future physical and psychological illness. This is due to the meanings you have given to what happened, to what you think and feel that it means about you, your safety and your value.
Matrix Reimprinting is incredibly effective at relieving emotional distress and resulting physical issues!
Matrix Reimprinting Transforms your relationship with yourself.
Until you transform judgemental thoughts about what happened to you and your beliefs about what it means about you, they will continue to negatively affect your feelings of self worth.
Going back in time and supporting your younger self with Matrix Reimprinting, helps to create new positive memories.
You can reframe and replace the stories you had been telling about what happened to you, or what we witnessed. In essence you can change your relationship to your past, affecting your emotional and physical health in positive ways.
While tapping on the emotions that you felt at the age you experienced the stressful event, you can recall the limiting perspectives your younger self took on as a result. Importantly, new understandings can help prepare you to let go of your previous negative mindset.
With Alice’s guidance, you will bring in resources you lacked when younger. It is remarkably easy to replace the old, self destructive beliefs and actions with new, positive possibilities.
This creates both physical and emotional healing and enables you to attract positive and exciting experiences into your present and future life.
This is not about denying what happened. Quantum Physics teaches us that we have any number of possible pasts and futures. By tuning into scenarios that are more empowering and supportive, we replace the stress that we have held onto with feelings of relaxation, calm and possibility.
Due to the many times we were criticized as children, and how used to criticism we became, most of us are not aware of our own abusive self talk until it is brought into awareness. Tapping on these negative, pivotal memories redirects the focus towards a new story that better fits where you want to be in all areas of life.
After Matrix Reimprinting sessions people report feeling immensely relieved and no longer find they are retraumatizing themselves with frequent recollections of the original incident(s). The limiting perspectives that were formed as a result of the situation disappear as new, even more self empowering beliefs emerge to replace the old retraumatizing story.
Matrix Reimprinting is quite remarkable and has to be experienced to be fully appreciated.