Free from the Past at Last, with the EFT Tapping Detective.

Alice Grange  Certified EFT Tapping & Matrix Reimprinting Coach & Clinical Trauma Professional

Can you recover from a childhood with a Narcissistic mother?
With EFT Tapping - you can!

Did growing up with your Narcissistic Mother result in painful, dysfunctional relationships, (with your mother, yourself, your spouse, your co-workers and others)? 

Do you find it difficult to trust, because your mother was controlling, critical, unfair, inconsistent or self absorbed?

 Do you have a hard time asking for what YOU want, or believing that you deserve love, support, acceptance and happiness?

Are you ready to learn highly effective tools, tips and techniques to support you in transforming difficult relationships while co-creating healthier ones?

If you are, EFT Tapping can help you gain more peace, happiness, calm and confidence. 

Become the person you want to be instead of the person you learned to be.

I would be honoured to support and guide you in creating happier healthier bonds, (and boundaries) with yourself and the others in your life. 

Does your Mother have Narcissist Personality Disorder?

Alice Grange, The Tapping Detective

Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) & Matrix Reimprinting Coach

Let go of shame, blame, grief and guilt!  Learn how to set healthy, respected boundaries. Your narcissistic mother doesn’t have to continue to run and ruin your life.

There is no time like the present to empower yourself and create life on your own terms. 

For instance, do you find it hard to move forward for fear of criticism and failure? Would you like to move past your own Mother Issues? If so,  I would be honoured to help you the way I have been helped and now helped others.  

I too suffered from self esteem issues during and after my childhood with my Narcissistic Mother. Mom was alcoholic, drug dependent, bipolar, and self absorbed. She was not a lot of fun to grow up with having been emotionally wounded during her own childhood by her own narcissistic, controlling and classist mother. 

Fortunately I discovered EFT Tapping!  EFT Tapping has helped me to learn how to empower myself and gain the confidence to create my own life, on my own terms. 

Providing ‘experienced’, ‘compassionate’, ’empowering’ and ‘effective support’, I now help other adults to identify and let go of the disempowering messages and limiting beliefs learned during childhood.   

Is/was your mother controlling?
Have you attracted other Narcissists into your adult life?

EFT Tapping will ensure that history doesn't repeat itself!
Don't let your past rule your present and future!
Leave your past in the past.

Discover what millions of EFT Tappers around the world already know. 

Learn how incredibly powerful Matrix Reimprinting, an advanced form of EFT can be.

        Book your first transformational EFT session today.  Learn about EFT.  Let me know what you would like to change, and start changing! Take steps towards what you want, quicker than you ever thought possible. 

 Is there anything you would like me to know about you before we get started?  ALL questions about me,  EFT Tapping and what to expect are welcome.

"Alice Grange! You are warmth in human form. It didn’t matter that I was sitting oceans away from her with two computer screens and three time zones between us: I felt like I was in the care of a gentle, guiding and warm soul, and our session was like a hot knife through butter. Smooth! I felt a lot of relief, and I think I can safely say that I was reborn after my session with Alice – anyone who wants to find a fairy godmother should look no further than Alice!"
Kirthi Jayakumar
Chennai, India

EFT Tapping Packages

I offer EFT Tapping packages as a way to encourage pople to make a commitment to themselves.   I find that clients who come to a prepaid session, even when they didn’t initally feel up to it, inevitably find themselves very grateful that they followed through. Instead of remaining stuck in difficult feelings, they experience substantial relief from anxiety, anger, grief and limiting beliefs; realize “a-ha” moments and continue to make the changes they hoped they would be able to make.

After your introductory tapping session, if you are ready to continue to experience profound positive changes, you will be offered the opportunity to purchase a 5 or 10 EFT Tapping Sessions Package.  Single Tapping sessions are available after the completion of your personalized package,  should you wish to continue. 

If you want to move ahead quickly and make some big changes in your life, a personalized VIP Narcissistic Mother Problems Transformational EFT Tapping Retreat may be right for you. During this time together we will work on any of the major issues, events and relationships in your life that you feel ready to transform. Consequently, you will begin to create your life on your own terms, according to your own wants and needs, hopes and desires.

EFT Tapping Retreats can take place online or at a location of your choice, your home or mine, or your favourite destination! Wherever you are most likely to feel safe and secure. Depending on schedules, how much you want to change in your life and how quickly, your VIP Retreat can take place over a full day, a long weekend, a week or 10 days.  

With EFT Tapping – Change IS possible!

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