Free from the Past at Last, with the EFT Tapping Detective.

Alice Grange  Certified EFT Tapping & Matrix Reimprinting Coach & Clinical Trauma Professional

‘Mental Disorders’ = Childhood Traumas?


Biological Anthropologists are calling on modern medicine to reconsider the labeling and treatment of ‘mental disorders’. These include ADD, ADHD, Anxiety, Addiction, Depression, Dyslexia, OCD…

Labels like ‘mental disorders’ matter. They are used to define us and limit us.

Evidence now suggests that rather than being solely chemical imbalances in the brain, or a DNA issue, at least some of these incidences of ‘mental disorders’ could be present day triggered responses to traumatic childhood memories.

Despite the widespread and increasing use of antidepressants, and other ‘mood altering drugs’, the rates of anxiety, addiction, depression stress and overwhelm are NOT decreasing. While drugs can treat the symptoms, they often perform no better than placebos – or worse.

Pharmaceuticals can result in suicidal thoughts, insomnia, weight gain, headaches, brain fog…

Researcher Kristen Syme, compares treating these ‘mental disorders’ with medications, to trying to use drugs to heal a broken bone, without setting the bone itself.

Feeling safe is essential

Children living in violent/abusive/addicted/neglectful families rarely get a chance to feel safe. Their nervous systems never fully relax. Memories of their childhood traumas can cause constant anticipation of more difficult things to deal with; even after the immediate dangers have passed.

Continued emotional and/or physical threats in childhood can have a profound and prolonged effect on our emotional make-up. We learned to protect ourselves in several ways; fight, flight, freeze or fawn/fix. Children AND adults living in high stress situations then react by running away, screaming and fighting back, numbing out or by trying to fix other people’s problems.  Because of these behaviours they are often seen as flawed rather than damaged.

Emotional damage CAN be repaired, while ‘mental disorders’ have been seen as a design problem, existing from birth. Moving our focus from a faulty design model to a repair model changes the focus towards positive change.

If we can identify  the emotional origins of ‘mental disorders’, (frequently during traumatic childhood events), we can, with EFT Tapping and Matrix Reimprinting create a course forward.

People need to move

Our bodies are designed to move. Yet many of us spend far too much time sitting at desks for our emotional, intellectual and physical health. It is hard to sit still and pay attention when you feel like you are jumping out of your skin and need to run and jump.

The consequences for not being allowed to move, when you need to move can be profoundly life altering.

In places where physical activity is a substantial part of the school day, rates of learning difficulties are lower. In countries where kids are required to sit still for most of the day, the rates are much higher. Childhood physical and emotional needs and experiences are not often considered when designing the school curriculum, although there is a movement towards the creation of ‘trauma informed’ educational systems.

Adversity can be overcome

Dr. Gabor Mate wrote the following in his book, Scattered Minds: The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder:

“Throughout the human lifespan, there remains a constant two-way interaction between psychological states and the neurochemistry of the frontal lobes, a fact that many doctors do not pay enough attention to. One result is the overreliance on medications in the treatment of mental disorders. Modern psychiatry is doing too much listening to Prozac and not enough listening to human beings; people’s life histories should be given at least as much importance as the chemistry of their brains. The dominant tendency is to explain mental conditions by deficiencies of the brain’s chemical messengers, the neurotransmitters.”

EFT Tapping is a highly effective method to calm our nervous systems. We can, with Matrix Reimprinting, learn to positively reframe the meanings we have given to those past stressful circumstances that keep us on ‘high alert’. We no longer need to get triggered, particularly when faced with no immediate danger.

Establishing healthy boundaries, AND STICKING TO THEM, is an essential part in preventing future adversity, while dealing with situations that currently exist by significantly reducing the symptoms of anxiety, depression and many learning difficulties. Most of us were not taught how to set and stick to healthy boundaries but the good news is that we can learn. Let me show you how. 

Learning new ways to deal with conflict by using Non-Violent Communication skills, can also help to reduce anxiety, depression and learning difficulties.

Discovering EFFECTIVE ways for the challenged brain to learn can bring remarkable results. Check out Jim Kwik and Brain Gym!  

Feeling powerless?

Initially, many EFT recipients felt powerless to make any changes in their lives, but soon came to realize that positive change IS possible.

It is important to understand that our emotional and physical responses to stress were taught, or modelled, by parents, teachers, and other caregivers. As children, we had little choice or power to do things differently. Our childhood traumas have defined us.

As adults, we CAN choose to learn how to release the emotional and physical stress imprinted during traumatic childhood events. We CAN reframe those limiting beliefs which  cause our physical and psychological issues.

We CAN learn healthy ways to negotiate demanding situations, usually with remarkable, long-lasting results, (and healthier relationships). We CAN live lives that are much more satisfactory, and even fun!

It would be my privilege to support you in releasing your old and limiting stories, stresses, fears, anger, resentments and grief…

I love helping people to discover new and positive ways to live life.

Check out the Tapping Detective testimonials for ‘evidence’ that positive change is possible!

If you would like to experience similar results, please email to make an introductory appointment.


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