Free from the Past at Last, with the EFT Tapping Detective.

Alice Grange  Certified EFT Tapping & Matrix Reimprinting Coach & Clinical Trauma Professional


Helpful Websites

The Tapping Solution


Nick Ortner’s The Tapping Solution which has produced an excellent movie, a book and an annual series of audio webinars featuring EFT experts.

Mastering EFT


This is a site about the practice of both EFT and meditation through the work of Dr. Pat Carrington.

Matrix Reimprinting


 Matrix Reimprinting is an advanced EFT technique that creates even more remarkable results. It is particularly useful at resolving trauma from childhood.

Gary Craig’s Website


This is the website of the founder of EFT: Gary Craig. There are many resources on this site you may find useful.

Self Love Facebook Group

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This is a facebook group for positive, supportive self-talk. Please check it out and join us in supporting each other in self love!
Self Love Facebook group

Follow me

Facebook Page

Most of my formal training was with Check out the free EFT teaching manuals and the search engine.

Scientific Studies


 If you are scientifically oriented, go here for clinical studies on the efficacy of EFT on PTSD, phobias, depression, athletic performance, anxiety, pain, weight loss…

Matrix Reimprinting: Karin Davidson


Matrix Reimprinting, via trainer Karin Davidson, is a method to clear adverse feelings, negative learnings and painful past events.

EFT Studies and Research from AAMET

EFT Studies & Research

A plethora of studies brought to you by The Guild of Energists.

Tapping Scripts Generator

A fabulous for those times when you don’t know what to tap on.

EFT Research


Healing the Mother Wound


The article I wish I had written about Healing the Mother Wound by Bethany Webster

Childhood Trauma vs Adult Health

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How Childhood Trauma Affects Adult Health

Youtube Videos and Channels I Recommend

Resources for Veterans

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If PTSD is an issue for you check out these great resources specifically for war veterans.

Operation Emotional Freedom


Operation Emotional Freedom: The Answer (A Movie About Veterans and PTSD)

The Cure is You!

The Cure is You

A wonderful new film that shows how limiting beliefs learned in childhood effect our health. Energy Medicine is mentioned as one way to change our beliefs and our health – for the better.


Inspiring Art


Healing Artwork from Evelyn Wolff – stained glass artist whose work graces these pages 

Website Photographer


 Katie Clarkson’s Photography website 


More on EFT

There is an abundance of information about EFT on the internet, including examples you can tap along to on YOUTUBE.

I suggest that you GOOGLE EFT along with whatever issue you are interested in working on. You will be amazed at all that you will find. Please view all with a critical eye. Not all EFT practitioners are alike, some will resonate with you, and some have very little knowledge or training. Anyone can put up a youtube video! Having said that, there is a ton of valuable information to be found.

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