Free from the Past at Last, with the EFT Tapping Detective.

Alice Grange  Certified EFT Tapping & Matrix Reimprinting Coach & Clinical Trauma Professional

Why Forgiveness?

The British poet, Alexander Pope wrote “To err is human: to forgive, divine”. I only came to understand the power of these words when I put them into practice. One of the most self healing things I ever did was to visit my estranged mother’s hospital bedside when she was in the process of dying. … Read more

Think Positively – Why tap on the negative? What About LOA?

Why do we tap on what we don’t want in our lives anymore? Won’t this just manifest more bad things and feelings in our lives? What about the Law of Attraction? How do we think positively? These questions are vitally important to understand. For years I struggled with the concepts of the law of attraction. … Read more

Cure Impotence and Herpes!

Cure Impotence Using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) I have had the privilege of working with several men who have suffered from erectile dysfunction. The first was was relatively easy and uncomplicated as it involved someone who was in a new relationship, after being celibate for several years,  and concerned that he might pass on the … Read more

Working with Spanish Speakers

I have been EFT coaching an Indigenous Mayan man from Guatemala.  Fernando speaks Spanish fluently and is a self taught English speaker. We have been doing EFT sessions using Skype, adding to the linguistic, geographic and technological challenges we face. Sometimes we struggle to understand each other, partially because of my being less than fluent … Read more

Why EFT Coaching?

Why You Need EFT Coaching It’s true. EFT is a fabulous self help tool for simple issues. Please don’t blame EFT if you do not get noticeable results when working by yourself. We all have an ever-vigilant inner subconscious protector, which is firmly convinced that the issue we’re trying to shift is actually serving us … Read more

Releasing the limiting beliefs and emotional ties that bind us.

We all do it. We all repeat to ourselves the same messages we heard at an early age from our parents, caregivers and peers. Sometime those echoes are helpful and supportive, “you can do anything you want to do”;  but all too often they morph into internal voices that get in our way, “who do … Read more

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