Tapping Circles are available for groups of people who would like to learn how to tap together and benefit from the collective tapping energy of the group.
If you are interested in booking a tapping circle for your friends, family or work colleagues, please contact me by email or call me at 250-702-7570. Circles can be held in person or via the internet.
For examples of previous circles see below.
EFT Tapping Circle for Concerned Citizens:
At a recent gathering at Kin Beach of community leaders and concerned citizens, people expressed feeling helpless, hopeless, sad, betrayed, isolated, numb, afraid, angry and overwhelmed… If you share concerns for the future of our beautiful valley, province, country and the world, and are interested in becoming a more effective contributor to positive change, you are invited to a workshop to be held at Creekside Commons on Friday, Sept 20th at 7 pm.
By using EFT, (Emotional Freedom Techniques aka Meridian Tapping), you can dispel those negative feelings about your efforts and replace these difficult emotions with a renewed ability to make empowered choices and take positive actions.
Alice Grange is an EFT Coach who has used EFT to transform her own life and is now sharing her training to help reduce those exhausting, frustrating emotions we share about the state of our world, and our political/corporate realities. Those emotions can make us feel isolated from each other and prevent
us from acting effectively and collectively.
Please join Alice for a FREE Tapping Circle and learn these self help skills to release the effect that our past experiences have on our present ability to respond to the crisis of our times.
Stop lurching from crisis to crisis and move to a more relaxed and creative state, where you can think more clearly about the possibilities for positive change. By becoming more positive you become more productive.
Workshop participants will leave with instructional handouts to remind you how to use this easy, quick self help tool to help produce feelings of empowerment.
RSVP to alicegrange@gmail.com or call 250-702-7570. Please carpool to Creekside Commons, 2202 Lambert Road, Courtenay. For a map and more information about EFT please go to www.healingwithtapping.com and click on Tapping Circles.
Do you want to be healthier and happier?
The Emotional Freedom Techniques Circles can help! Endorsed by a rapidly growing list of influential writers including Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer and Jack Canfield and popular Doctors including Dr. Oz, Deepak Chopra and Joseph Mercola, EFT is a remarkable self help tool now practiced by millions the world over.
What are Emotional Freedom Techniques?
Emotional Freedom Techniques, (EFT or Tapping), are simple, powerful and profound forms of healing that can quickly remove limiting beliefs and the impact of negative memories. People frequently report lasting relief from physical ailments like head and back aches, and emotional stressors like anxieties, phobias, fears, grief, anger, PTSD, limiting beliefs and learning difficulties.
Some even report improved golf and test scores! Try it on everything!
What can I expect?
As you tune into and tap on any emotional or physical issue, symptoms often significantly improve. EFT is safe, non invasive, easy to learn and frequently brings rapid benefits. It allows your body and mind to resume their natural healing abilities. EFT can help you move from being paralyzed by incidents from your past to choose what you DO want to attract into your life.
New to EFT?
These safe and confidential circles will provide you with enough training and resources to start practicing on your own and with others.
What if I already know and practice EFT?
Those familiar with the profound healing possibilities of EFT will refine their abilities and learn new ones. You will help to empower others, while finding new partners to exchange skills with.
Please RSVP to alicegrange@gmail.com or call 250-702-7570 for directions
HAUNTED BY GHOSTS OF CHRISTMAS PAST? Workshop in Campbell River on December 2, 2012
The holiday season is just around the corner. For some of us, the “festive” season brings not only presents but painful memories and apprehension about what’s to come.
We stress about the prospect of spending time with difficult relatives: we grieve the people gone from our lives, we worry about the temptations of food and drink, we’re concerned about how shopping will kybosh our budgets. No sooner have the stores taken down their Halloween decorations when up go the Christmas ones! Some of us are lonely, our families are either gone, live far away, or we are not connected to them. Some are overwhelmed by all the parties, events and expectations. Whether or not we identify as Christians, many share a sense of foreboding and unease during the whole Christmas season. Some dread the onset of December and can’t wait to breathe a sigh of relief in January.
Fortunately help is on the horizon. The Campbell River Centre for Spiritual Living is sponsoring an Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT also known as Meridian Tapping), workshop designed to help prepare you to enjoy the season with more ease, grace and peace.
EFT is a remarkable energy psychology tool that has helped countless other to release fears, phobias and painful memories. It is fairly easy to learn to do for yourself before and/or during those difficult moments.
Don’t be a Scrooge! Come, join others with similar feelings, and learn how to easily and gently release the painful memories of Christmases past.
Come to # 20, – 964 Shoppers Row on Dec 2, 2012 at 1pm and learn how to greet the season peacefully. $20.