Free from the Past at Last, with the EFT Tapping Detective.

Alice Grange  Certified EFT Tapping & Matrix Reimprinting Coach & Clinical Trauma Professional

EFT Uncovers Core Issue in Impotence

eft impotence

When we began “Jason’s” first EFT session, he wanted to work on his sadness, disappointment, frustration, and judgment about ongoing impotence issues, so we started by doing a bit of a sexual history and tapped on the feelings he identified. Impotence caused issues in his marriages His first marriage was passionate and yet unhappy. His … Read more

EFT Tapping for Fear of Abundance

I regularly do an exchange via Skype with another EFT practitioner, whom I will call “Tara.” At the end of the year, Tara wanted to work on abundance issues and blocks in preparation for a fabulous new year. After some initial conversation while tapping, touching on her financial ceiling and a feeling of “what’s so … Read more

Surrogate Work with an Ex-Husband

I just finished the 6th EFT session with Melinda, a woman who originally contacted me because I specialize in helping women heal from their mother wounds. After doing some substantial work on her relationship with her mother, we moved onto other relationships. During our sessions she released a lot of grief, guilt, and hurt about … Read more

December! Again! Tapping Tips for a Happy Solstice!

When the rest of the world SEEMS to be joyfully anticipating the holiday gatherings, in some families there is the anticipation of the fights, criticisms, or violence. Then there are all the temptations in the way of those of us who are trying to eat only healthy foods and drinks. Many of us experience increased … Read more

Empowering Disempowered Women

I think one of the most important things I do with my life is to help to empower disempowered women, particularly those who grew up in patriarchal, misogynistic and abusive homes. Recently I worked with a woman who ‘felt sorry’ for her ex-husband, and ‘didn’t want to hurt his feelings’, so she kept him in … Read more

How to Beat the Christmas Blues

Decembers in my family were a time when any Christmas spirit was overwhelmed with drama, trauma. I had no idea how to beat the Christmas Blues. My apprehension would start to build sometime in November. My Mother, who was diagnosed as Bipolar, was dysfunctional at best, had Narcissistic, Alcoholic and Suicidal tendencies, and was hospitalized … Read more

The Personal IS Political

Like many of us, I am deeply concerned about the way the world seems to be going.  Environmental Destruction, Systemic Childhood Abuse, Sexual Assault, Mass Shootings… are all on my mind. One of my greatest influencers is Dr. Gabor Mate. His contention that childhood wounds are at the root of addictions and abusive behaviours mirrors … Read more

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